Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Hafenklang Newsletter

„Bei Unwohlsein, Unruhe oder Einschlafstörungen legen Sie sich den
Energiebärenüber das Brustbein (Thymusdrüse) oder über den Bauchnabel
(Sonnengeflecht)." (Anwendungshinweis für „Energie Ente Emmi", 15,-
plus Versand; Rechtschreibfehler und Logikdelle, über die die Ente zum
Bären wird, im Original)

Hallo Wenzeslaus! Kiiiiinder, war das ein Fest. Dieses eine, das
Dings, wo wir dir noch Bescheid sagen sollten, wenn wir hingehen.
Haben wir aber vergessen. Na, sorry, ne? Ich bin jedenfalls so
dermassen entspannt, dass es auf Aussenstehende fast antriebslos
wirkt. Aber der Schein trügt! Mir ist nur das Chi ein bisschen
verrutscht, als ich stumpfe repetitive Techno-Bumsmusik endlich wieder
gegen Geschrei zu Gitarrengegniedel tauschen durfte. Zwecks Neuordnung
habe ich mich in wohlmeinende Hände begeben und mir tolle Naturmedizin
verschreiben lassen, weil wegen Universum und so. Ausserdem fahr ich
gleich zur Kur, ich nenne es „Chi-Urlaub". Kicher. Bevor ich aber
nächste Woche davon berichten möchte, dass sich das Chi abends in den
Füssen sammelt und von da aus batmanartig über Nacht wieder zu neuen
Taten im ganzen Körper aufbricht, bzw. wie uns Energie Ente Emmi,
tibetanische Luftvitamine und ein Taliban-Mohnbrötchen helfen können,
negative Energien zu verschrecken und freie Radikale per 129a
gesundheitlich zu binden – bevor das also alles passiert: hier die
Gebrauchsanleitung für die von mir erstandene Naturheilscheisse. Nicht
nur, dass der Grammpreis jeden Gangsterrapper erblassen lässt und die
nächsten Charthits eigentlich „Teemischung und Nutten für alle im
Maybach" oder ähnlich heissen müsste… der ganze Deal ist von einem
dermassen offensichtlichen Menschenhass geprägt, dass es eine reine
Freude ist. Ich soll ein altes Osternest in 1 Liter Wasser 50(!)
Minuten kochen und das Zeug dann 3 Tage lang dreimal täglich trinken.
Das klappt so sicher wie ein Shalom in der Kirche. Zumindest bleibt
mir genug Zeit, in der Sonne zu liegen (natürlich mit „Füße hoch",
wegen Chi und so) und über das Elend der Welt nachzudenken. Als letzte
Aufgabe bleibt, darauf zu achten, nicht wieder den Tagebuch-Ordner mit
dem für die Newsletter-Intros zu verwechseln.
In Liebe, Waldemar
Mo 11.07.

co-headlining: Boris (JPN) + Russian Circles (USA) + Saade (CZ)

Eintritt: 17.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 14.00 € | Open: 20:00 | Start: 20:30


Goldener Salon - Konzert

Punkerstammtisch - Ping Pong from Hell

Eintritt frei!

Open: 21:00
Di 12.07.

Guitar Wolf (JPN) + Columbian Neckties (DK)

Japans beste Garage-Rock'N'Roll Band kommt für ein paar Dates nach

Eintritt: 16.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 13.00 € | Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Mi 13.07.

Red Sparowes (USA)

Thunderheads storming across the prairie, outraged students taking to
the streets, migratory herds stampeding along the tundra--any number
of images could describe the grandiose scope of Red Sparowes' lush
vignettes. Wielding both a master's sense of nuance and an outsider
artist's unhindered expressionist zeal, the Los Angeles quintet
created a catalog of haunting and hallucinatory guitar orchestrations
over the course of the millennium's opening decade. With two albums, a
string of split releases, multiple U.S. and European tours, and a
number of line-up changes under their belt, Red Sparowes are currently
poised to release their third album and most impressive creation to
date, The Fear is Excruciating, But Therein Lies the Answer.

It's tempting to describe the collaborative efforts of guitarists Andy
Arahood, Bryant Clifford Meyer, Emma Ruth Rundle, bassist/pedal steel
player Greg Burns and drummer David Clifford as soundtrack music. The
absence of lyrical vocals and full reliance on instrumentation
conjures comparisons to symphonic cinema pieces. Yet no composition in
the Red Sparowes cannon feels subservient to a visual companion piece.
Their music never comes across as a disembodied accompaniment, a
partial representation of a larger composition. Every song is its own
complete microcosm, a completely realized and contained moment of

Though Red Sparowes' music thrives unbound by narrative, the band
provides a roadmap to their muse. Their 2005 debut album, At The
Soundless Dawn, cast the scientific inevitability of the Sixth
Extinction into a grand funeral oration, revealing the message within
the individual track titles. Their second full-length, Every Red Heart
Shines Toward the Red Sun (2006) likewise provided a synopsis of the
Great Sparrow campaign of the Great Leap Forward, laying bare its
conceptual role. And, the jabbing assertions of the titles to the
Aphorisms EP (2008 digital, 2009 12" vinyl) served a thematic
precursor to the next album.

Red Sparowes' latest offering, The Fear is Excruciating, But Therein
Lies the Answer, began with the larger existential pondering of truth,
faith, order, causality, and the innate demand for an understanding of
the larger world around us. While Red Sparowes' majesty is hardly in
need of story, the provision of the larger metaphor yields a
heightened depth and gravity to their work.

There has never been as pronounced of a leap in style and scope as
with Red Sparowes' third full length. The Fear is Excruciating, But
Therein Lies the Answer maintains their layered arrangements and
swirling amplified crescendos, Americana noir soundscapes (punctuated
by the extended pedal steel on "In Every Mind"), and gloriously
triumphant melodies ("Giving Birth to Imagined Saviors"). Earlier
records focused on the larger scope of the album, but the new album is
song-centered, with the individual tracks harboring stronger
independent identities. And where previous endeavors found the band
propelled by enormous walls of sound, they now temper their monolithic
progressions with distinct passages of separated and soft-spoken
instrumentation. Red Sparowes were suspiciously absent from the
playing field over the last three years, and now it's apparent that
they were busy drafting the grandest statement and finest achievement
of their existence.

Eintritt: 13.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 10.00 € | Open: 20:30 | Start: 21:30
Do 14.07.

This Will Destroy You (USA)

When you first hear the current incarnation of the band, you're going
to be in for a shock. Straight up. But before you can even think to
run for the door, they've already got their teeth out and claws dug
in. Whereas their early work may have "destroyed" your inability to
get nostalgic or emotional, the current lineup seems intent on
ACTUALLY destroying you. Think Warchild from "Point Break." We're just
gonna fuck you up.

Eintritt: 15.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 12.00 € | Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Fr 15.07.

***Disco Bizarro***
Trans Am (US)

DJ's Streit, Ärger & Gewalt
Drunken Haircut

15 Jahre Trans Am!!

Eintritt: 15.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 11.00 € | Open: 21:00 | Start: 22:00
Sa 16.07.

Drumbule - Drum'n Bass

Sport (k52/HH)

IAKA, BENNI BO, 0_zpot, djfU


Eintritt: 6.00 € | Start: 23:00
Mo 18.07.
Goldener Salon - DJ-Abend

Punkerstammtisch - Ping Pong from Hell

Eintritt frei!

Open: 21:00
Di 19.07.

Black Breath (USA) + Glasses (GER) + Dangers (USA)
+ Goodtime Boys

Although Seattle's Black Breath is a fairly young band they are
quickly becoming everyones new favorite band. They have absolutely
stormed onto the hardcore and metal scene with their unique and
uncompromising sound. After gathering a loyal cult following the band
took their assault around the USA supporting Trap Them and Victims.
Late last year Southern Lord released the very first recordings from
Black Breath in the form of the Razor to Oblivion EP. Raw, intense and
in your face this EP has created a immense buzz and effectively set up
the highly anticipated next move!
For this, their debut full-length the band went into Kurt Ballous'
(Converge, Trap Them, Disfear) God City studios in Salem,
Massachussets. The end result of those monumental sessions is a
recording much darker, heavier and more brutal than anything they have
done before. The direction of the album contains many of the punk and
hardcore influences that were exhibited on the Razor To Oblivion EP.
However, after listening to just five seconds of the albums opening
track, "Black Sin (Spit On The Cross)" it's painfully obvious the band
has let their Swedish death metal obsession take control! One of the
bands strengths is its ability to truly craft a memorable song with
hooks that dig into your skull and never let up. This is heavily
apparent on the thrashing burner "Children of The Horn".
Not since the mid-eighties when bands like Motorhead, Metallica and
Discharge were giving metal heads bangovers has brutality been so
infectious. The decidedly more Death Metal direction of Heavy
Breathing is a extremely bold move that will definitely set them apart
from the rest.

Eintritt: 8.00 € | Open: 20:00 | Start: 20:30


Goldener Salon - Konzert


LOS EXPLOSIVOS vermengen das sonnige Gemüt der jungen BLACK LIPS mit
dem treibenden Stomp der KINKS, mixen die Kompromisslosigkeit von WAU
Y LOS ARRRGHS hinzu, shaken und zünden das Ganze mit dem ersten Akkord!

look and listen!!!!

Sworn Liars:

Eintritt: 9.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 7.00 € | Open: 20:30 | Start: 21:30

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